Meet Your Farmers

Hello, there! We're your local farmers, the Brengle family. We haven't been farmers all our lives. Deane was a home builder and carpenter for over 30 years and Linda a homemaker (and cook extraordinaire) for all of her adult life.

When 2008 brought the Great Recession, we knew it was time to reassess our priorities. We've owned this land for almost 30 years and we’ve raised a lot of things—huge gardens, horses, dogs, cats, chickens, and four wonderful children. “Why not make a living out of raising things?” we asked ourselves. Thus was born Chimney Creek Farm in 2010.

In 2014, our youngest daughter, Tory, and her family moved back to the area, and Tory decided to join the family business. She’s our social media guru and also lends her organization skills, strong work ethic, and love for all living things to help Chimney Creek Farm grow. We are so grateful that our entire family can pursue our passions together.

Our Farming Practices

Chimney Creek Farm is committed to natural and sustainable farming methods. We strive to be as self-sufficient as possible and to reuse and recycle at every opportunity.

We care about the health of our soil, the health of the food our farm produces, and the health of our Veggie Box members. Vegetables are grown as naturally as we know how. That means we don't use synthetic fertilizers or pesticides, herbicides, or fungicides. We do use natural soil amendments, cover crops, compost, and manure to fertilize. We occasionally use organically-certified, natural products to treat diseases and insects.

Our farm raises open-pollinated and heirloom seed varieties whenever possible so that we can save seeds ourselves. We never plant genetically-modified seed varieties.

Our pigs are humanely-raised and allowed to live as nature-intended, rooting around on our forested woodlot, eating grass, acorns, and other forage. We supplement their diet with locally-grown, GMO-free grains and leftovers from our gardens and orchard.

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It is our mission to provide your family with fresh, healthy food from local farmers that you can trust!